November 2022
Moog actuators have been used in some capacity on almost every NASA launch that has utilized the mobile launch platform since Apollo. That includes the latest #Artemis launch! The actuators rotate the different gantry arms away from the vehicle at the time of launch in under a second.
July 2022
Artemis 1 Launch Date Announced. Since the announcement of SLS and Orion in 2011, Moog has had more than 500 employees across several states working on the various programs associated with Artemis 1.
May 2019
NASA announces their new program to return Americans to the Moon will be named Artemis.
September 2011
NASA announces design for the Space Launch System, or SLS, rocket. It is the most powerful rocket ever built. It is powered by four RS-25 rocket engines that Moog thrust vector control actuators steer. Moog has actuators on each of the stages of the rocket.

Throughout the years Moog has had some incredible employees work on programs related to space missions starting with Gemini, Apollo, and up to Orion and Artemis. Here is a list of our dedicated employees who have worked on these space missions and have help revolutionize the way to space!
Tom Abate, Charles Acker, Carey Adkins, Philencia Agoodie, Craig Alessandra, Igor Ananin, Tom Anderson, Josef Avigani, Yvonne Avina, George Baggs, Wayne Baker, Mark Banaszak, Richard Banks, Joseph Barbarits, Carolyn Bartoszek, Richard Bartz, James Barus, Robert Bauer, Jim Baughman, Rose Baxter, Jason Becker, Susan Beiter, Greg Bell, Mark Bender, Martin Bennett, Clayton Bennett, Jamie Bensadoun, Josh Benson, Robert Berning, Douglas Bersch, Lawrence Betker, Bill Beyer, Sudarshan Bhat, Ryan Bierl, Stanley Biernat, Allan Bjerke, Allan Bjerke, Benjamin Blumberg, Michael Bodekor, Cassandra Bodin, John Bonanno, David Borkowski, David Borkowski, Michael Brennan, David Brown, David Brown, Martin Brown, Mark Brumfield, Norman Bryant, Duane Brzezowski, Glenn Brzyski, Andrew Bueker, Gary Burch, Edwin Byun, Stephanie Calabrese, Nicolas Canaple, Adam Canetti, Glenn Capron, Aaron Carluccio, Christopher Carnall, Matthew Carr, Brennan Carrizales, Michael Castellani, Emily Ceccarelli, Phillip Chaboya, Marc Chaves, Gerald Claar, Craig Clausen, Ronald Climenhaga, Kristie Cohen, Maria Collins, Keith Conrad, Corine Consiglio, Carolina Coopple, Paul Corbelli, Thomas Covelli, David Crate, Jonathan Culkowski, Paul Czajka, James Czora, April Daniels, Mark Daniels, Danny Dayer, Elisabeth Deazley, Mark Dechert, Chris Decker, Richard Deleo, Brandon Denton, Mario Dipasquale, Martin Dix, Ferdinand Dizon, James Doktor, Darren Dombrowski, David Donhauser, Dawn Donofrio, Edward Draves, Kip Dreyfus, David Dudley, Shaun Duffy, Shaun Duffy, Charles Dunn, Thomas Eames, David Egloff, Jeff Eiben, Len Elder, Richard Emerling, Jennifer Enriquez, Bradley Ensminger, Jessica Evans, Heather Evans, Andrew Fechter, Kenneth Fenske, Norman Fingerlow, Luke Finley, Donald Fleiss, Betty Flinn, Patrick Flynn, Richard Folck, Kevin Foley, Scott Forster, Peter Frandina, Brian Frank, Christopher Fritz, Chris Fuller, Movses Gabrielyan, Jennifer Gaenzler, Victor Garcia, Michelle Gawronski, Nicholis Geile, Kimberly Geles, Douglas Gentzke, James Genzel, Mark George, Ali Ghavimi, Joseph Glinsky, Cody Goodman, Rolando Gorecho, Chuck Gottstine, Virginia Graff, Geoff Graham, Daniel Greenzweig, Paul Gregoire, Patrick Griffin, Jason Gundlach, James Hake, Laurie Hammond, David Harrison, Evangeline Harwell, Mazen Hassan, William Hauth, Brian Heckman, Greg Heidenreich, Thomas Heidinger, Sandra Herman, Harold Heximer, Christopher Hodge, Timothy Hoepfinger, Elna Hoglund, John Holzinger, Kristine Hopson, Paul Houston, Elizabeth Huebbers, Waljeet Hundal, Scott Hurt, Gerald Hyrek, Mitchell Illig, Walter Imhof, Tammy Irvin, Raquel Isaak, Joseph Janca, David Jarosz, Eric Jennings, Daniel Jenson, David Johannes, Michael Johnson, Ira Johnson, Michael Johnson, Lawrence Johnson, Tj Jones, Michael Kadlubowski, Vang Kao, Joseph Keller, Bunoeun Khim, Darren Kihl, Justin Klein, Robert Kleinfelder, Paige Knapp, Thomas Koprowski, Norman Kotz, Tom Kowalewski, Timothy Kowalow, Robert Krowinski, Wayne Kulesza, Michelle Kwong, Jeanny Lach, Jeffrey Ladelfa, Michal Lagos, Thomas Lake, Robert Lantagne, Henry Lappin, Raymond Lavanture, John Layer, John Lee, Bartley Lettenberger, Mike Lewandowski, Michael Lewandowski, Lawrence Lichota, Donna Limburg, Roger Lipke, Juana Lopez, Ioana Ludwick, Nate Majchrzak, Don Malachowski, David Maloney, Rajiv Mammen, Yahann Mann, John Marchetti, Joshua Markham, Anthony Marsala, Christopher Marschke, Denise Marten, Matthew Martin, Kara Mather, Grove Mather, Ronald Mayers, Roger Mcclellan, Dequarrius Mcclinton, Gordon Mcgee, Erin Mcnally, Connor Mcnellis, Michael Mcnutt, Richard Meinhold, Oscar Mejia, Ponce Stephen Michalak, David Miller, Katelynn Miller, Lawrence Miller, James Miller, Joseph Mills, Mark Mimovich, David Minderler, Ken Minneman, Tony Montano, Terri Montano, Stephen Moran, Regan Mrak, Daniel Muffoletto, Steven Munich, Thomas Myers, Rogelio Naanos, Diane Nagel, Sreenivasa Nerayanuru, Laurence Neutz, Kenneth Newbury, Lucy Nguyen, Thiet Nguyen, Dennis Nguyen, Charles Nickles, Donald Nixon, Jerome Nowak, Steve Occhipinti, Peggy Oczowinski, Patty O'Donnell, Christopher Oesch, David Olivani, Gary Olson, Sergio Ortiz, Jimmy Ouch, Lance Over, Craig Owczarzak, Robert Owens, Kevin Palmer, Dorene Papaiz, Kelsey Parks, Lindsay Parr, Richard Pascucci, Praful Patel, Michael Patton, Donald Peacock, Brandon Pemble, Jeanne Penfold, Richard Perini, Clark Petre, Matthew Petroski, Mark Phillips, Aidan Phillips, Arthur Phillips, Jonathon Pickard, Darlene Plewik, John Plunkett, Richard Porcari, Brian Powers, Jenna Prasad, Andy Quinones, Joel Rak, Wayne Randolph, Scott Ratay, Michael Rausch, Debra Reisdorf, Kathrine Rejewski, Darvin Remington, Amanda Richley, Ralph Rietz, Eric Robertson, Joseph Robison, Dean Rosales, Giovanni Rosario, Dan Roycroft, Richard Rug, Kristine Rydzik, Mary Lou Sachenik, Jim Saczuk, Neil Sager, Frank Saglime, Francisco Salazar, Philip Sarsfield, Craig Sauers, Ronald Schaefer, John Schaf, Lauren Schenk, Justin Schiske, Michael Schiske, John Schmidt, Frank Schmiegel, Justin Schneider, Andrew Schutz, Jason Sciandra, David Scott, David Seely, David Seweryniak, Donald Shular, Narom Sieng, Stephen Sikora, Inderjit Singh, Clifford Skillings, Markian Slabyk, Daniel Slebioda, Walter Slepinski, Roy Smalley, Steve Smith, Jeffery Smith, Herbert Smith, Jeffrey Sobczynski, Brian Sokolowski, Patrick Stanczyk, Gregory Starks, Jim Steffan, Richard Steinke, Eric Stellrecht, Nathaniel Stenz, John Stephan, Syreeta Stewart, Tanner Stinson, John Stolfo, Dawn Strnad, Jonathan Struebel, Daniel Suarez, Joshua Suarez, Timothy Sullivan, Gabriel Tannenbaum, Thomas Tanski, Sean Taylor, Katherine Thompson, Karl Thorup, Richard Todd, Andrew Trask, Joseph Tronolone, Robert Turchiarelli, Thomas Unverzart, Kenneth Van Dick, Lisa Varco, Nancy Vona, Phorn Vonn, James Vorburger, Richard Wagner, Gary Wahler, Richard Walczyk, Michael Walter, William Watt, Justine Weatherbee, David Weber, Thomas Wegerski, Lori Wendel, Kristie Werth, Robert Whitaker, Velmond White, Matthew Whitehead, Crystal Whitlatch, Anthony Whittington, Bob Wiepert, Gerald Wilczak, Kirk Wilde, Zachary Wilder, Keith Williams, Daniel Wilson, Kira Wilson, Peter Wilson, John Wise, Steve Witkowski, John Wolanin, Gary Wozniak, Aaron Wright, Jeffrey Yoke, Jonathan Young, Patty Young, Randy Zagst, Celeste Zalapa Gallegos, Anthony Ziemczonek, Leonard Zima, Waymon Zou-He, James Zydel, Thomas Downing, Gary House, Leonard Rath, Danielle Johnson, Michael Mrak, Wayne Kamholz, Jonathon Brand, Frank Drexelius, Naseem Abdulrahman, Jason Vrenna, Daniel Finucane, Julianna Gill, Gregory Phillips, Erica Snyder, Michael Mills, Matthew Kubiak, Jack Vincheski, Fredrick Kobler, Gregory Gajewski, Jeffrey Kraska, William Massaro, Heidi Behen, Paul Teluk, Thomas Kennedy, David Gorczynski, Marion Jarosz, Donna Niewiemski, Alison Wesolowski, Johnathan Renaldo, Francis Kolacki, Robert Wyant, Michael Noto, John Harden, Richard Beeman, Raymond Gorecki, John Henning, John Tetlow, Richard Ross, Karen Hansen-Sinclair, Kimberly Ellerbrock, Dave Mang, Mark Stollberg, Helen Flynn, Celine Maddex, Jean Winiewicz, Janet Kleinfelder, Peggy Goran, Sandra French, Brian Schuhmann, Tim Mascorella, Jason Hyde, David Genco, Henry Bielawski, Heidi Reed, Heidi Behen, Michael Johnson, James Newhouse, Lucille Barone, Jerome Lepsch, Kim Dils, Rachel Mest
International Space Station Era
1984 - 2001
February 2001
Destiny, the U.S. Laboratory module, becomes part of the station. The lab increased onboard living space by 41%.
November 2000
The first crew resides on the International Space Station. NASA Astronaut Bill Shepherd and cosmonauts Yuri Gidzenko and Sergei Krikalev become the first crew to reside onboard the station. Expedition 1 spent four months onboard completing tasks necessary to bring the ISS "to life.”
Shuttle Era
1972 - 2011
November 1998 – July 2011
Shuttle program begins launching components of the International space station to issue in a new era of living and working in space.
March 2002 - 1990
Moog vibration dampers are installed on the solar arrays during Shuttle Mission STS 109 to reduce vibration and jitter to ensure clear photos. More than 20 years later, scientists confirm Moog’s hardware is still performing as well as it did on day 1!
February 1984
Moog supports astronauts Bruce McCandless II and Robert L. Stewart during their extravehicular activities in space. Moog cold case thruster support the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU), which is a backpack propulsion device that gave astronauts mobility for extravehicular activities outside the Space Shuttle. The MMU was used on three shuttle missions during 1984.
June 1983
Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space. Moog actuators were critical during take off, reentry, and landing. Our technology also supported the propulsion system and controlled the Auxiliary Power Unit on the Orbiter.
April 1981
STS-1 (Space Transport System-1) is the first launch of NASA’s Space Shuttle Program. Astronauts Joh Young and Bob Crippen piloted space Shuttle Columbia. Moog supported the shuttle program in several areas, including main engine thrust vector control actuators, orbiter inboard and outboard elevon actuators, and sold rocket booster TVC actuators. Our valves also supported the propulsion system and Auxiliary Power Unit.
Apollo Era
1961 - 1972
December 1972
This is the final time Americans step on the moon.
July 1969
The first Astronauts land on the moon during Apollo 11. Once the astronauts landed on the Moon, one Bell ascent engine was responsible for getting them off the surface and back into lunar orbit. There was no backup. If the engine failed, the astronauts would have been stranded on the Moon. Bell Aerospace, now part of Moog, built in many safety features and redundancies so it would always work, and it did, ensuring all 12 Apollo astronauts who landed on the Moon made it home safely.
July 1969
Apollo 11 Launches. Before we could get astronauts to land on the Moon during Apollo 11, NASA had to figure out a way to train them to fly on the Moon. They would be practicing these maneuvers on Earth for something they’d have to do in 1/6th of the gravity on the Moon. NASA came to Bell Aerospace in Niagara Falls, now part of Moog, to build a lunar landing training vehicle. They simulated the Moon’s gravity by having a jet engine in the middle of the vehicle controlled by computers that canceled out 5/6ths of its weight. So, when it was flying here on Earth, it felt like it would in lunar gravity. All the Apollo astronauts who flew on the Moon had extensive training on this vehicle.
May 1969
Apollo 10 encompassed all aspects of an actual crewed lunar landing, except the landing. It was the first flight of a complete, crewed Apollo spacecraft to operate around the Moon.
March 1969
Apollo 9 was the first crewed flight of all Apollo lunar hardware, as well as the first crewed flight of the lunar module. The primary purpose was to test the systems, rendezvous procedures, and docking procedures of the Lunar Module.
December 1968
Apollo 8 was the first crewed mission to orbit the Moon. At a time when nobody had ever flown more than 850 miles above the earth, NASA committed to fly astronauts the 240,000 miles to the Moon. An impressive feat that Moog helped launch. Moog hydraulic thrust vector control actuators steered the Saturn 5’s rocket engines on the first, second, and third stages. That final stage was the most critical as that single engine, steered by two Moog actuators, is what took the command module out of Earth’s orbit and to the Moon on all the lunar Apollo missions. Those absolutely had to work because there was no backup. If they failed, the mission would fail.