Compact Slip Rings

Our economical, compact slip ring capsule family allows tremendous flexibility in dealing with systems size requirements when larger versions are not an option.

Capsules with up to 56 contacts are available.



Model Through
Size: D x L
in (mm)
Circuits Current Voltage Operational
AC6023 No 0.87 x 1.14 - 1.98
(22.1 x 29-49.5)
6, 12, 18, 24 2 amps 210 VDC / 240 VAC 250 rpm
AC6305 No 0.87 x 1.95
(22.1 x 49.5)
3, power and 6, 9 or 12 signal 5 amps/
2 amps
120 VAC 250 rpm
AC6310 No 0.87 x 1.95
(22.1 x 49.5)
3, power and 3 or 6 signal 10 amps/
2 amps
120 VAC 250 rpm
AC6355 No 1.0 x 2.6 or 3.5
(25.4 x 66.0 or 88.9)
36 and 56 2 amps 240 VAC 250 rpm
AC6373 No .5 x .86 or 1.11
(12.7 x 21.7 or 28.2)
6 and 12 2 amps 120 VDC / VAC 100 rpm
AC7036 No 3.1 x 6.5
(78.74 x 165.1)
Refer to AC6349 and
AC6355 models
15 amp outer;
2, 5, 10 amp inner
440 V on 15 amp;
Varies on inner,
See AC6355 model
150 rpm
AC7094 No 2.17 x 5.02-6.69
(55.1 x 127.5-169.9)
30, 36, 42 or 48 5 amps 250 AC / DC 250 rpm
AC7212 No 3.9 x 3.11 - 5.92
(99.06 x 78.99 - 150.36)
Outer options:
AC4598 or AC6200
Inner options:
AC6023, AC6355, AC7188, AC7195, AC7203, AC7217
2, 5, 10 amps Refer to individual
product pages
250 rpm
Flow Pack
F 7270
Yes 2.36 x 4.33
(60 x 110)
Power lines 2x 20 A + PE, 230 V
Data lines 2x 2 A, 24 V
2, 20 amps 24 VDC, 230 VDC 500 rpm
No .87 x .86 or 1.11
(22.1 x 21.7 or 28.2)
6, 12, 18, 24 2 amps 210 VDC / 240 VAC 250 rpm
SRA-73540 No .44 x .44
(11.17 x 11.17)
6 and 12 2 amps 120 VDC / VAC 250 rpm
No 0.87 x 2.2
(22.0 x 55.8)
36 2, 10 amps 210 VDC / 240 VAC 250 rpm
SRA-73625 No .44 x .83
(11.18 x 21.0)
18 2 amps 120 VDC / VAC 100 rpm
.61 x 1.56
(15.5 x 39.6)
12, 18, 24
2 amps
210 VDC / 240 VAC
250 rpm

