Electrohydrostatic Actuators, often called “power by wire,” are fully self-contained actuation systems that combine design elements from electric and electrohydraulic actuation. They receive power from an electric source and transform an input command signal (usually electrical) into motion. They typically include a servomotor, hydraulic pump, accumulator, and servoactuator.
Moog began investing to develop advanced EHA technology in the late 1980’s for the next generation of “more electric” aircraft flight controls. Over the last two decades, we have matured the technology making significant advancements in performance, reliability, weight and affordability.
EHA technology is being used as the basis of the revolutionary electric flight control system on Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Lightning II and was adapted to provide thrust vector control on NASA’s 2nd Generation Reusable Launch Vehicle program. For industrial applications, it provides high force control with all electric input power.
Moog's proven EHA flight control actuation capability includes simplex and dual redundant actuator designs rated up to 50HP and capable of delivering a continuous force in excess of 65,000 lbf.
Electrohydrostatic Actuators are an essential package component of self-contained hybrid actuation systems. These Electrohydrostatic Actuation Systems, or EAS, are available in many customized solutions and combine the best-of-both-worlds from electromechanical and electrohydraulic actuation technologies.
Our EHA systems are under consideration for future man-rated space vehicles and naval vessels. Our EHAs offer highly reliable, 2-fault tolerant steering control solutions with 50 HP and have low operational costs.