Marine Slip Rings

Moog’s slip rings consistently perform in the world’s harshest environments, delivering trusted technology products to maritime industries, including offshore petroleum, oceanographic, seismic, and shipbuilding. Moog delivers superior rotary solutions for the most complex marine applications.  

Our slip ring solutions can transmit power and data signals, as well as transfer various mediums such as oil, water, gas, coolant, and more to fit specific requirements.



Slip Rings for Marine Applications

Floating Production System Swivels

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Moog designs, manufactures and delivers unique Floating Production Systems (FPS) swivels to meet the demanding requirements of offshore operators worldwide.

Winch Slip Rings

Moog Focal winch slip rings are designed to function in extreme marine environments andhave delievered reliable products and services to the offshore petroleum, oceanographic, seismic and maritime industries for more than 40 years.

Swivels for Marine Renewables

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Moog Focal mooring swivels enable the continuous transfer of power, signals and media from the rotating side of the device (power generating device heading) to the geostationary side of the system (export cable on seabed) to allow un-restricted rotation.

Moog Shipbuilding and Marine Product Technology

Watch this video to learn more about our leading-edge custom solutions and services for the marine industry.