Model 220 Rotary Servo Actuator

Product Specifications
The Model 220 is a high performance rotary servo electromechanical actuator that utilizes rare earth brushless DC motors, magnetic encoder and position loop control electronics all integrated into one compact package. It is well suited for aerospace and unmanned airborne platforms due to its high performance and small envelope. It can also be used in a variety of applications as it is a self-contained servo motion solution. Although it is specified with a 7,500 hour life, Moog has tested the Model 220 actuator, meeting 16,000 hours, and the unit was still operating within specifications.
- Stainless steel spur gear train
- 8 ball bearings
- Machined aluminum structure and housing
- Stainless steel output shaft, .025 inch SAE spline
(Models 22000000-01 and -02) - Consult factory for custom shafts and output arms
- Brushless permanent magnet motor design
- High temperature capability
- Contactless shaft position sensor
- Differential analog position feedback
- Offered either with full RS-485 digital control
or RC / PWM analog control - Modifiable parameters (default parameters installed at factory)
- Total electrical stroke angle
- Null position
- Direction orientation
- Torque limit
- Loss of signal - hold last position, return to zero or coast
- PID constants
- Dead band
- Telemetry scaling
- Feedforward gains - GUI interface for programming and parameter modification
- Robust structural design
- Mechanical stops
- Low weight to power performance
- Customizable
- Unmanned air vehicles — tactical, medium long endurance and MALE / HALE vehicles
- Control surfaces requiring servo actuation - Target drones — control surfaces, speed brakes
- Utility actuation — throttle control, doors, spoilers
- Electric aircraft, eVTOL, eSTOL, air taxis and urban air mobility vehicles — tilting mechanism, flight control, landing gear