Multi-Operation Avionics Board (MOAB™) Series of Boards

Standard MOAB Features
- 2 Million Gate FPGA (Actel RTAX2000S)
- 32-bit/33MHz cPCI target interface with P2 custom local interface bus
- 12 Gbytes Flash / 4 Gbytes Flash with TMR
- 2 Mbytes of Asynchronous SRAM with EDAC
- 32 Kbyte of FPGA Block RAM for buffering
- 24 Discrete Outputs (Configurable to 3.3V or 5V)
- 23 Discrete Inputs (Configurable to 3.3V or 5V)
- 20 Differential RS422/LVDS Transmitters
- 20 Differential RS422/LVDS Receivers
- 1 MIL-STD-1553B Interface using Aeroflex Summit Chip
- 12 Sun Sensor Channels
- 3 Sun Sensor Excitations
- 47 AD590 Temperature Sensor Channels
- 8 AD590 Excitations
- 24 General Purpose Analog Channels +/-10V
Mass, Power, Dimensions
- < 0.4 kg
- < 8.0 Watts Peak, Worst-Case
- 100 mm x 175 mm x 30 mm (3U cPCI)
MOAB Series of Boards
Analog MOAB Features
- 2 Million Gate FPGA (Actel RTAX2000S)
- 32-bit/33MHz cPCI target interface with P2 custom local interface bus
- 4 Sun Sensor excitations (+10V)
- 12 AD590 Voltage Excitations (+15V)
- 2 A/D Converters (one designed for higher sample rates)
- 188 +/-10V Analog Input Channels:
- (12) Configurable as Sun Sensor Inputs
- (32) Configurable as (16) +/-5V Differential Analog Inputs
- (72) Configurable as AD590 Temperature Channels
- (48) Configurable as PRT or Thermistor Channels
- (08) Configurable as 28V (bus voltage) inputs
- (16) General Purpose Analog Inputs
- 9 Internal Analog Channels (local temperature, secondary voltages, and calibration references)
- 4 +/-5V Analog Output Channels with 8mA drive capability (HW configurable to multiple ranges)
- 4 Differential RS422/LVDS TX Outputs (functionality configurable in FPGA)
- 3 Differential RS422/LVDS RX Inputs (functionality configurable in FPGA)
- (1) Configurable as an LVSEP input
- 4 Discrete Inputs (functionality configurable in FPGA)
Mass, Power, Dimensions:
- < 0.4 kg
- < 7.0 Watts Peak, Worst-Case
- 100 mm x 175 mm x 30 mm (3U cPCI)
Digital MOAB Features
- 2 Million Gate FPGA (Actel RTAX2000S)
- 32-bit/33MHz cPCI target interface with P2 custom local interface bus
- 2 Gbyte of Synchronous DRAM (Independent Set #1)
- 2 Gbyte of Synchronous DRAM (Independent Set #2)
- 32 Kbyte of FPGA Block RAM for buffering
- 32 Discrete Inputs with Cold-Sparing (Configurable to 3.3V or 5V)
- 40 Differential RS422/LVDS TX Outputs
- 31 Differential RS422/LVDS RX Inputs
- 4 LVDS DeSerializers (3:21 Aeroflex or 4:28 CameraLink)
- 3 SpaceWire PHYs
Mass, Power, Dimensions:
- < 0.4 kg
- < 6.0 Watts Peak, Worst-Case
- 100 mm x 175 mm x 30 mm (3U cPCI)
MOAB Series of Boards Reliability Features
- All Parts SEL immune
- SEU Mitigated Design
- 30 kRad Standard (100 kRad Option)
- Conduction Cooled Design
- All parts MIL-883B
The MOAB series of boards includes various implementations that address the most commonly found interfaces, ranging from serial asynchronous RS-422 interfaces, to SpaceWire interfaces, to MILSTD-1553 to analog interfaces, including temperature sensors, and voltage and current inputs and outputs. All MOAB boards provide a radiation tolerant Actel RTAX2000S FPGA that is used for managing the board functions, interfacing to the backplane via PCI, and to implement mission specific logic, such as autonomous state-of-health collection and reporting.
Standard and Custom Logic Features
To interface to common telecommand components, a MOAB board may be configured to be compatible with CCSDS, SGLS and other command decoding & telemetry encoding formats. Using these formats, the MOAB board may autonomously decode hardware commands, without the need for a system processor. The large amount of FPGA resource available may be used for mission customer specific processing functions
General Purpose Analog Interfaces
MOAB boards are available with a number of different analog interfaces. Input voltage ranges include +/-10V, 28V, and +/- 5V. Current inputs and outputs are available with configurable voltage and current ranges. MOAB boards feature one or two 12- bit or 14-bit A/D converters with configurable sample rates.
Solid State Memory
The memory on the MOAB boards may include up to a total of 12 GBytes of Flash memory which can be used as-is or configured as 3 GBytes of Triple-Modular-Redundant Flash with voting logic implemented in the MOAB FPGA. Boards may provide 2 MBytes of shared SRAM for general purpose use by the MOAB board or any devices on the cPCI bus.