Slip Rings with Through Bores

The unobstructed bore through the center provides routing space for hydraulics, pneumatics or for a concentric shaft mount. Our through-bore slip rings feature our fiber brush technology which offers several advantages over conventional slip ring technology including multiple points of contact force per fiber and low contact wear rates. In addition, fiber brushes do not require lubrication and produce virtually no wear debris.



Model Through
Size: D x L
in (mm)
Circuits Current Voltage Operational
AC4598 1 - 1/2" 3.9 x 2.28 - 5
(100 x 56 - 127)
6, 12, 18, 24 10 amps 600 VAC 250 rpm or higher
AC6098 4" 8 x 5.32 - 15.32
(203.2 x 135 - 390)
1 to 72 Signal, 10, 30, 50 amps 600 VAC 250 rpm
AC6200 1 - 1/2" 3.9 x 2.28-  5
(100 x 56 - 127)
Up to 48 2 and 10 amps 220 and 600 VAC 250 rpm
AC6275 2 - 3/4" 6.63 x 7.6 - 21.5
(168.4 x 193 - 546)
1 to 72 Signal, 10, 30, 50 amps 600 VAC 1000 rpm
AC6349 1" 3.07 x 2.9 or 6.5
(78.0 x 73.7 or 165.1)
6, 12, 18, 24 15 amps 440 VAC 250 rpm
AC6428 1 - 3/8" 3.9 x 6.5 - 9.3
(99.06 OD x 167.64 - 238.76)
60, 72, 84, 96 2 amps / circuits 220 VRMS 250 rpm
AC6429 1 - 3/8" 3.9 x 7.4
(99.06 OD x 190.5)
48 @ 2 amp PLUS
6 or 12 @ 10 amp
10 amps and
2 amps / circuit
220 VRMS, 2 amp;
460 VRMS, 10 amp
250 rpm
AC6438 1/2" 2.0 x 1.54 - 3
(52.8 x 81.5)
6, 12, 18, 24 5 amps 250 VAC 250 rpm
AC6815 1 - 1/2" 4.32 x 3 - 5.94
(109.7 x 76.2 - 150.8)
Up to 128 2, 3.5, 10 amps 60, 110, 220 VAC 250 rpm
AC7296 1" 3.9 x 2.96 - 7.64
(99.06 x 75.18 - 194.05)
3 to 72 Signal, 10 and 25 amps 600 VDC 500 rpm
Endura Trac
Fiber W Series
Up to 9.0" 5 - 12.5 OD
(127 - 317.5)
L is determined
by number of rings
To 28
power circuits
30 amps 600 VAC 250 rpm
To 48
signal circuits
5 amps 250 VAC
Endura Trac
Standard W Series

1.5" to 3.0" 5-6.5 OD
(127 - 165.1)
L is determined
by number of rings
To 12
power circuits
Power, 30 amps 600 VAC 60 rpm
To 24
signal circuits
Signal, 5 amps 250 VAC
Flow Pack
F 7270
1" 2.36 x 4.33
(60 x 110)
Power lines 2x 20 A + PE, 230 V
Data lines 2x 2 A, 24 V
2, 20 amps 24 VDC, 230 VDC 500 rpm
SRA-73683 1/2" 1.375 x 0.98 - 1.72
(34.9 x 24.9 - 43.68)
6, 12, 18, 24 2 amps 210 VAC 250 rpm
SRA-73830 1/2" 1.375 x 0.98 - 1.72
(34.9 x 24.9 - 43.68)
2 to 22 2  and 8 amps 210 / 240 VAC 250 rpm