Power Generation Gas Turbines
Improving metering and positioning capabilities for gas turbines.
Reliability, Safety and Long Service Life Performance
Moog offers electric, hydraulic and hybrid precision positioning solutions for improved fuel economy, reduced emissions and broader operating ranges in Gas Turbines. Our technology is widely recognized by customers seeking reliability and high- performance for critical power generation applications. As a leading supplier of reliable, long life servo valves, Moog products are found on nearly every type of electrohydraulic servo actuator used in the power generation industry.
Moog Technology & Innovation
Moog technology is scalable from smaller industrial frame and aero-derivative style turbines to the latest Jumbo Class/ Large Frame models. Our technology neutral approach allows us to use electrohydraulic or electromechanical power based on your preference, or we can propose the best solution for your application.
Moog innovation is a continuous process that begins with the original OEM through design, testing and integration. Our significant global customer base benefits from our investments in improved materials and designs, extending overhaul cycles while improving reliability. We keep pace with advancements in turbine design, so that legacy equipment can meet the planned maintenance needs of today’s turbine fleets.
Applications include:
- Inlet guide vanes
- Stator vanes
- Gas control flow valves
- Gaseous and liquid fuel metering valves
- Process controls
- Combustion by-pass/bleed valve controls to fuel metering pumps

Optimize your Gas Turbine Operations with Moog Global Support
Moog Global Support can help you minimize downtime and maximize the return on your gas and steam turbine equipment. We offer a range of service and repair programs to support your planned or forced outage needs. Factory repairs, field service support and advanced exchange units for many products to facilitate an effective and efficient outage to best suit your facility schedule. Visit our Moog Global Support site for more information.