Precision Positioning Hexapods

Moog’s precision positioning hexapods are utilized for 6-axis point-and-hold or slow tracking operations where superior resolution, repeatability, and/or accuracy are critical.  These six degrees of freedom parallel kinematic positioners typically use a traditional Stewart platform arrangement to perform precise optical alignments and tests that are not possible with other technologies.  Moog’s hexapod positioning systems employ six electromechanical linear actuators that are capable of sub-micron positioning with payloads up to 8000 kg or more. 



The HX-P400 incorporates flexure end-joints and absolute linear encoders on each actuator to optimize repeatability and accuracy.  The HX-P500 is vacuum-compatible and utilizes preloaded bearing end-joints to accommodate a large range of motion.  Both 6-DOF precision positioning stages are designed for extremely high stiffness to achieve high resonant frequencies and fast settling times often required for telescope secondary mirror positioners and similar large optical alignment applications.  Customization of Moog’s hexapod positioning systems is commonly performed to meet program-specific requirements.


  • Alignment of telescope optics
  • Testing of precision optical systems
  • Beam/laser pointing

  • Telescope secondary mirror positioner
  • Synchrotron component alignment
  • Performance Characteristics

      HX-P400 HX-P500
    Payload mass Up to 8000 kg

    Up to 8000 kg

    Dimensions1 1650 mm D x 720 mm H 2000 mm L x 2000 mm W x 810 mm H
    Hexapod mass 625 kg 684 kg

    Range of motion2

      HX-P400 HX-P500
    X (lateral) ±20 mm ±100 mm
    Y (longitudinal) ±20 mm ±100 mm
    Z (vertical) ±15 mm ±85 mm
    Roll ±1.2˚ ±7.0˚
    Pitch ±1.2˚ ±7.0˚
    Yaw ±0.5˚ ±5.2˚

    Minimum incremental step size

      HX-P400 HX-P500
    X (lateral) 1 μm 3 μm
    Y (longitudinal) 1 μm 3 μm
    Z (vertical) 1 μm 3 μm
    Roll <1 μrad 1 μrad
    Pitch <1 μrad 1 μrad
    Yaw 1 μrad 1 μrad

    Repeatability (bidirectional)3

      HX-P400 HX-P500
    X (lateral) 10 μm 15 μm
    Y (longitudinal) 10 μm 15 μm
    Z (vertical) 3 μm 15 μm
    Roll 3 μrad 3 μrad
    Pitch 3 μrad 3 μrad
    Yaw 10 μrad 15 μrad
      HX-P400 HX-P500
    Actuation type Brushless motor-driven roller screw Brushless motor-driven roller screw
    Sensor type Absolute linear encoder Rotary encoder
    End-joint type Flexures Preloaded Bearings
    Vacuum-compatibility w/ customization Yes
    Heritage usage Rubin Observatory/Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) James Webb Space Telescope testing

    1. Envelope dimensions and interfaces are typically customized to meet program-specific requirements

    2. The ranges of motion of the six axes are interdependent. Listed values represent the maximum range with all other axes at their zero positions and the center of rotation at the center of the payload interface.

    3. Unidirectional repeatability is typically 3X-5X smaller than bidirectional repeatability.