High Voltage 20-Channel Slip Ring

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The Model 303 is a family of high voltage electrical slip ring products designed specifically for the extremely harsh high temperature and high pressure (HTHP) downhole environment. These products are designed and tested to operate at temperatures of up to 200°C and pressures of 25,000 psi (1700 Bar), and are generally configured for an oil-filled environment. Contact our oilfield - downhole slip ring experts for details.
- Withstands temperatures of up to 200°C and pressures of 25,000 psi (1700 Bar). Higher temperatures and pressures possible
- Can be combined with high temperature and high pressure resolvers and motors for position and speed feedback and motive power
- Inner bore and outer diameter can be customized for specific downhole tooling envelopes
- Low electrical contact resistance
- Pressure and temperature compensation available
- Up to 1000 V versions
- Slip rings eliminate cable twist and jamming
- Easily integrated with other products such as motors and resolvers to reduce integration issues
- Proven, fielded technology
- Increase in power and bandwidth capacity, and improved power transmission efficiency as compared to inductive technologies
- High quality and reliability
- High temperature and pressure test simulator capable of 260°C and 30,000 psi
- Includes in situ rotation
- Fully tested at peak temperature and pressure conditions to minimize any failure modes
- Shock and vibration testing carried out to specific customer requirements
Typical Applications
- Wirelining
- Measuring / logging while drilling
- Industrial high temperature applications